The Inclusion of Children's Participation

The Inclusion of Children's Participation

by Deleted user -
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Why do you think that children's participation rights matter?  

Children's participation rights matter in regards to results that affect them because they are the direct subjects of the such results. Without documents stating rights such as Article 12 in the UNCRC which encourages adults to listen to children, we have no idea if the policies and procedures that we make for children actually effect them in the ideal way possible. Outlining this ever important right to children at a young age is extremely important in order for children to understand that they are empowered humans that have a impactful voice. As such rights continue to evolve, we continue to legitimize the importance of children participating in matters that effect them which will in turn create a stronger, more impactful generation of humans.

How does the inclusion of children's participation in the UNCRC implicate States Parties that have ratified the treaty? 

This essentially gives the state the obligation to make sure that the voices of the children of the state (regardless of the level of ability, gender, race, ethnicity, etc. they may posses) must be listened to and included in decision making in matters that effect children. This is a huge and difficult responsibility for states because giving power to children's voices is a relatively new development. Nevertheless, this is a very important responsibility that can be done if they right adults are put in charge of policy planning. 

What do children's participation rights have to do with citizenship and democratic processes that are inclusive and empowering?

If we in fact view children as fully matured, included, and intelligent members of a state then this implies they can have the right to vote in the democratic process. This is because as we give participation rights to children we are allowing them to voice their opinion about matters that effect them and I believe the President of their country is a matter that will affect them. Setting an age on the right to vote is a very difficult thing to do because as it stands right now, some 17 year olds may be more knowledgeable and mature in regards to political information than some 40 year olds, yet they are not allowed to vote based on their age.