Module 5 Questions

Module 5 Questions

by Deleted user -
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  1. Why do you think that children's participation rights matter?  

Children understand their own lives. They live through their experience and their mistakes. Children have growing minds and speak without being afraid of what others will say. Their opinions are genuine, they should be given any opportunity to speak freely about how they feel and what is going on around them. It is important because they need to learn about their world and understand how it works. If they are not participating in their own lives they are acting as robots when really they are just small adults.

2. How does the inclusion of children's participation in the UNCRC implicate States Parties that have ratified the treaty?

The inclusion of children's participation in the UNCRC gives the children a right to actively participate in their own lives and it is holding them accountable.

3. What do children's participation rights have to do with citizenship and democratic processes that are inclusive and empowering? 

By including children in the democratic process they are able to learn their rights and what their freedom means. They are learning and respecting what their views are which will in turn give them the ability to respect and see the importance of the views of others.