Why Do Children's Participation Rights Matter?

Why Do Children's Participation Rights Matter?

by Deleted user -
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  1. Why do you think that children's participation rights matter?  

Children’s participation rights matter because it is important to consider those who are being impacted by whatever the situation or circumstance is. It is vital to listen to the contribution of children so as to modify their rights to their preferences. When children are allowed to participate, they are not trapped in ‘adult-solely-made decisions’ but are able to enjoy what they participated in, since their idea has been implemented.

  1. How does the inclusion of children's participation in the UNCRC implicate States Parties that have ratified the treaty? 

The inclusion of children would bring about a modification of treaties since it is compulsory that children’s voices must be considered. And this has to be done as Article 12 obligates the States to take children’s views seriously.

  1. What do children's participation rights have to do with citizenship and democratic processes that are inclusive and empowering? 

Children participation rights are important in inclusive and empowering factors such as citizenship and democratic processes because they impact children. For example, when the law is deciding where a child should live after a divorce, the child should get the opportunity to express views on where they feel would be best.