Module 5 Questions

Module 5 Questions

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Why do you think that children's participation rights matter?

Children’s participation matters because they have a right to participate in all things affecting them and participation rights give children the opportunity to be listened to and heard. The children’s participation rights allow school children to play an active role of their development instead of just being a passive recipient. Overall, the main reason is children are the experts of their own lives as they’re the ones living it therefore children’s participation is necessary as these decisions we are making are going to affect the children’s lives directly. By allowing children to voice their opinions/concerns and listening to them, it would eliminate a lot of issues and better benefit the children.

How does the inclusion of children's participation in the UNCRC implicate States Parties that have ratified the treaty? 

The inclusion of children’s participation in the UNCRC forces State Parties to take children’s rights seriously and protect the children through it. It holds the States who signed the UNCRC responsible in fulfilling children’s rights.

What do children's participation rights have to do with citizenship and democratic processes that are inclusive and empowering? 

Children’s participation rights have an close relationship with citizenship and democratic processes that are inclusive and empowering. By including children in the democratic process, it helps them learn what their rights and duties are, and the way in which what they do relates to their rights. The democratic process allows for children to voice their opinions and lets them as citizens be actively involved in actions that will affect them.