Module 5 questions

Module 5 questions

by Deleted user -
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Why do you think that children's participation rights matter?  

Children participation rights matter because they should have a voice in any matter. If a particular situation involves them or they have the potential to put in an input, then it is their right to do so. An example of children's participation would be during a divorce case. Usually, the judge or other high officials as well as the parents who are divorcing, decide the "best interest of the child" instead of hearing out the children, thus, eliminating their participation. In Canada, when you hit the age of 12, you can decide on your own and actively participate in the divorce case, giving the child access to participation. My personal opinion on children's participation, or participation in general, is if it affects them, they have the right to have a say.

How does the inclusion of children's participation in the UNCRC implicate States Parties that have ratified the treaty? 

It holds the State Parties responsible and accountable for attaining the rights of a child. Inclusion is important to understand and hear different views that were not thought of or considered, thus, the inclusion of children open up a different aspect of thought. Also, the inclusion of children's participation forces the state parties to actually make children a priority.

What do children's participation rights have to do with citizenship and democratic processes that are inclusive and empowering?

Involving children, allows them to voice their opinions or at least know that they can speak out/participate any time they want. These decisions used to be only exclusive to adults, thus, including another perceptive can open up the topic larger. It lets children actively be involved in actions that will affect as citizens in the society they live in.