Module 4

Module 4

by Deleted user -
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I believe Landon states it perfectly in the video, that you will destroy others when you do not see them as having a face the same as yours, to accord someone with rights forces you to see everyone as an individual. When we don't see children as equal to ourselves, thats where our first mistake begins. We dehumanize children when we do not see them as full or equal to ourselves. An example of dehumanizing children when it comes to rights based approaches is when we make decisions on their behalf without conferring or consulting with them. We are taking their right to speech and devaluing their opinion. In many if not all custody cases, it is always adults who make the decisions for the child without allowing for any input from the child. While we may think we know what is best for the child, we must take their input into consideration for a well rounded decision. In the end, we are dehumanizing the child and treating them more of an object being bounced around rather than an actual human being.