Module 5 Questions

Module 5 Questions

by Deleted user -
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  1. Why do you think that children's participation rights matter?  

 In my opinion, I believe participation rights are integral to the success and optimal living standard of every child. Children deserve the right to exercise their opinions through processes of implementing policies and rights that specifically impact their lives. Children are constructed as vulnerable and dependent, and though some may believe these characteristics are inherently true and serve to "protect" children, I feel these attributes only further the disconnect and powerless that children experience. It is through these discourses of vulnerability that children lose the power that they were meant to exercise. Childhood can be vulnerable, yes, but it must be understood that the child itself, is inherently not. 

2) How does the inclusion of children's participation in the UNCRC implicate States Parties that have ratified the treaty? 

It hold States responsible for the participation of their country's children. It denotes a sense of power and autonomy to these children and it should be respected.

3) What do children's participation rights have to do with citizenship and democratic processes that are inclusive and empowering?

Participation of children allows for the expression of their autonomy, authority, valued opinion and power, which is extremely empowering within their own realities. By using their voices, children are able to contribute to their society as an active and engaged citizen.