Module 5 Questions

Module 5 Questions

by Deleted user -
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  1. Why do you think that children's participation rights matter?

Childrens participation rights matter because they are the direct subjects affected by the results. It  is important to actively include the wants/desires and experiences of children when considering the rights that affect them. Children should be given more power and control over their own lives and participation rights is an effective way to do so.  With having adults in control and taking away the voice of children, we are unaware of how current policies and regulations actually affect them.  Although parents may feel they know what is best, they are not fully able to produce the best outcome without the knowledge and experiences from the eyes of children. It is essential to remember that children are capable and by listening we can help in their best interest.

2. How does the inclusion of children's participation in the UNRC implicate States Parties that have ratified the treaty?

This ultimately creates obligation of the States to ensure that all voices of children must be listened to and included in all decision making processes that affect them.  It gives the States the responsibility of respecting and responding to children in order to fulfil their best interest.  As stated in Section 12, all children can express their views freely.

3. What do children's right have to do with citizenship and democratic processes that are inclusive and empowering? 

Children participation rights is empowering in the sense that it gives children a voice in regards to topics and debates that mean most to  them and affect them directly.  They are given freedom of speech and the opportunity to be actively involved in their own life decisions.  It is a democratic process because adults are able to participate through having the right to vote and by understanding children are fully valued, mature and opinionated individuals they are given this opportunity as well.